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Kevin Sorbo Endorsement For Peter

Press Release

A sorceress, Centaur, Warrow elves and wiki lead the armies of five to do battle with an evil lord for control of a planet

Tucson, Ariz. – Peter DeChristopher announces his entry into the publishing scene with the release of “Pangea” (published by Xlibris), an adventure novel in which a planet with a single supercontinent with a diversified number of species who live in a medieval age do battle with an evil lord for control of that planet. In the Sombrero Galaxy created 13 billion… Read More.

Click here to visit the publisher site for Pangea

Interview with JDouglas Barker

Listen to Peter’s interview with JDouglas Barker about the release of his book Pangea.

Radio Show – Heres to Your Health with Joshua Lane

Listen to Peter’s interviews with Joshua Lane

Arizona Authors Association Newsletter

Click here to see Pangea featured in the Arizona Authors Association October-November 2022 newsletter.

Click the links below to learn more about Peter DeChristopher

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