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Here is what in the works!

Hey everyone, just an update. I just finished an interview with Readers House Magazine. This publication is the most highly acclaimed authors magazine in the United Kingdom, whose focus is on interviewing bestselling and exceptional authors. While the 2nd book in the Pangea series “The Scrolls of Panduar” is selling faster than it can be printed, I do appreciate the praise, well my ego does anyway. I will give an update when the interview goes to print and is placed on their webpage.

I have had a lot of inquiries from film and production companies and on the 2 books. Today I am starting to put together proposals for them to consider. Wish me luck!!!!!

The third book in the series “The Dark Elves of Morobai” is prodding along with 70 pages completed and edited, well edited at least for the zillionth time, with many more edits to go. I swear it takes me longer to edit each paragraph than it does to write them. Everyone enjoy you day while I figure out how to make a video proposal for the production companies, that should be interesting, lol.

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